Sheet "Help" contains the complete help of AVAST32 program.
In case of any problems with the program we ask you to look into the Help of the AVAST32 program first, and only when you do not find there what you are looking for, contact our technical support.
For controlling the help use the buttons in the upper left corner of "Help" sheet.
The meaning of the buttons is following:
There is a button for displaying the Help topics on the left. By clicking on it a window containing the list of help chapters would appear.
If you would like to view the appropriate chapter, select it and click on the "Display" button, or double-click on the chapter name with left mouse button. If don't want to view any chapter click on the "OK" button or press "ESC" key.
The button will get the help one page back. It gets the help window back to the page, from which you get on the current page. This way it is e.g. possible to return to all the pages of the Help, which have been listed so far.
If you have returned one step back, using the previous button you may, alternatively, go forward by one step by this button .
By pressing this button you can go to the previous page of help. The button allows browsing the help backwards.
Via this button you will be taken to the next page of the help. The button allows browsing the help forwards.